Battery Talk

It’s that time of year again (ugh!) and we talk a lot about winter tires, block heaters, coolant, wiper blades and yes… an important one – batteries!

The battery is the heart and soul of getting your vehicle running. It provides all the energy to start your engine and then keep the voltage stable while you are driving.

Your vehicle likely has either a typical Lead Acid battery or A.G.M. (absorbent glass matt) battery that is found more commonly on newer or high-end vehicles.

Whatever you have there are some things you should be aware of:

Temperature affects your battery. Because your battery is a chemical reaction it slows down when it’s cold outside. A fully charged battery at +20°C can deliver as much as 30% less at -20°C! And a battery less than fully charged can delivery up to 50% less. So going into winter with a battery in good condition is a really good thing!

When it’s cold we also add extra demands on our electrical system- a lot more idle time, lights on longer, heaters on, wipers on, and even seat heaters all make the system work harder. This is not a problem if everything is in good order and you run the engine long enough for the charging system to replenish the battery. Short trip after short trip could put your battery into a discharged state and that’s where you could start to see problems.

A weak battery puts extra load on your charging system, starter and other electrical components, so if it is weak, change it before it takes its toll on other things or worse… lets you down!

Signs of a weak battery can be:

·         Engine seems to crank slower than usual

·         Longer cranking time than usual

·         Warning lights on the dash

·         Dim lights

·         Slow wiper blades

Sometimes your battery is in good condition but your terminals are corroded or loose. Possibly the alternator is not up to par or you have a loose belt – these are all things that could make you think you have a weak or low battery.

Battery life span is typically 3-5 years – sometimes a bit more as driving habits and conditions can play a factor.

I think we can all agree that October (and especially September) is way too early for snow! We can also agree that it’s better to change a battery on your terms rather than when you need to get to work, you are on your way to dinner with friends or even getting the kids to their next sports practice.

If you are unsure about your battery – please come in and have us test it. If your vehicle has already been in for a service then we have already tested it for you.