6 Things To Do To Get Ready For Spring Road Trips

Spring has sprung and the snow tires are coming off till next season.  Many people are busy planning their summer fun and for most a road trip is a practical get away during this time.  With gas prices down, it’s a great time to head out on the open road. Whether you’re driving a short distance or across the country, or even running the trails, here are some tips to ensure that your ride is prepared for your next adventure.


1.         Schedule an appointment with your Pro-Active Automotive technician. Make sure   you have any necessary maintenance services (oil changes, brake servicing/replacing,       transmission services, battery check, etc.) and tune-ups performed prior to leaving on       any road trip. 

But you can do your own basic maintenance and visual inspections on your vehicle before you head out. Check your wipers, check your fluid levels, check your tire pressures (found in the drivers manual) and make sure your signal lights and headlights are all working and clean.

A vehicle in top shape will have a better chance of staying reliable and efficient. 

2.        Inspect your tires – make sure there are no bulges or tears on the sidewalls. The tires should have a good amount of tread left. Make sure the tire pressures are set to the pressures found in the drivers’ manual (and most times printed inside the driver’s door).


3.       First aid kits for you and your car a great idea.  Be prepared, pack a flashlight, blanket, first - aid kit, and some basic tools. Also, bring water and extra snacks, just in case.

4.         Pack smart. Check your vehicle’s load capacity to make sure you aren’t putting too much weight in the car. On most new cars, the total weight you can carry is printed on the door placard inside the driver’s door jam. This load rating includes all the passengers and cargo.  Be aware that fuel economy is reduced with extra cargo. Roof-top cargo boxes should only be filled with light bulky items.

5.         Make navigation easy on yourself. GPS units are affordable and available at most electronic stores. They are even available on most phones these days.  GPS units can do more than just keep you on track, they make it easy to find gas stations or restaurants along the way. Traffic-enabled devices can warn of roadway congestion, and all units can assist in finding an alternate route. But keep a highway map on hand too! GPS units need to be updated regularly and if it dies on you and you aren’t sure where you need to turn it might just come in handy!


6.         Travel smart! Take a break if you are feeling tired. Keep an eye on the gas gauge and be aware of when your next rest stop is.


Most of all stay safe! Happy travelling!